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If you're a busy mum struggling to find time to exercise without the kids or if you're a mum who struggles to prioritise your health and wellness because you don't want to spend money on improving yourself,


Hi! I'm Brooke..... 

owner of BABIO by Brooke, and I am here to let you know you should never feel guilty about prioritising your health;

As a busy mum of 2 I know the day to day struggles mums face and that's why I have created a space just for you.

BABIO stands for being authentically beautiful inside and out and that's exactly how I want you to feel.

BABIO was created after the birth of my 2nd child. I was OVER seeing perfect mums promoting standards I felt just weren't realistic and that's when I knew BABIO was something I needed to do. 

I am so excited to have you join my squad of supermums so you can feel stronger than you ever have before.



Our Fitness Membership is Convenient
and suited to M
ums of all energy levels 

No need to worry about your fitness level or ability as BABIO has a class for you. Remove the stress and frustration of making it to the gym with your little ones in tow and workout anytime and anywhere with BABIO.

We have 4 types of classes;

Strength classes- These sessions use minimal equipment to deliver maximum strength. It's important as a mum to increase our muscle tone and this is exactly what these classes deliver.

Pilates classes- All of our pilates classes are taught with a heavy focus on core and posture. They are accessible for all levels and great if you are just returning to exercise after kids. 

Barre Classes- These ballet inspired classes definitely give you a great combination of strength balance and flexibility. They are fun but also give that pilates burn we know you will learn to love. 

Our sessions have 3 intensity levels, so it makes it easy to choose what exercise is right for you. 

Full Throttle

Are you a Mum wanting more out of a workout? Then you have come to the right place! This high intensity workout is still focused on strength building muscle groups that are important to Motherhood. Each session has a different focus, meaning you can pick and choose which session will suit you most. 


Heated and Energised

Need balance when exercising? Our Heated and Energised sessions combine pilates and barre movements, building core and postural muscle strength which is optimal for post birth recovery or for any Mum in everyday life. These sessions are of moderate intensity and will leave you with more energy than you came with.


Rest and Rejuvenate 

Feeling overwhelmed? Our Rest and Rejuvenate sessions are mobility focussed, working through sequences that lengthen muscles and improve your posture. Perfect for nursing or sleep deprived Mums who want to get moving whilst enjoying the benefits of exercise at a low intensity level.


Get a Free Class

Not sure where to start? Why not download our mini course...

Regain Your Pre-Mum Confidence

Ready to FEEL the confidence you had before giving birth?

Sign up to get this FREE Mini-Course with real exercise examples to help you ditch exercises that don't work and have a truly functional core

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